Page Views


Every time an FX Online page is viewed, the page view is logged against the owner's account and is attributed to an online access code. NO personal information is sent or stored during this process. There are a number of possible combinations.


1.Someone has viewed a page you have created using your online access code, for example a student at your school. This page view is recorded against your account and online access code and counts as one page view.
2.If you have authorized it, someone has viewed a page you have created using another Efofex subscriber's online access code. This page view is recorded against your account and the external online access code. This allows you to track who is viewing your pages outside of your school. A page view accessed this way count as one page view.
3.If you have authorized it, someone has viewed a page WITHOUT entering an online access code. This would be a lesson that you have made available to anyone on the internet. A page accessed without someone entering an online access code counts as TWO page views.


If you make a page available to the general public, page views count double.


The number of page views used only matters as you approach the page view limit for your subscription.